Gayish: 379 Makeup (w/ Felix Palafox)

Felix Palafox, makeup expert and owner of Adonis Arcana, joins Mike and Kyle to talk about the stereotypes of makeup and men’s makeup.

In this episode: News- 3:21 || Main Topic (Makeup)- 15:15 || Guest (Felix Palafox)- 28:57 || Gayest & Straightest- 1:04:31

Learn more about Adonis Arcana at, on Instagram at or on TikTok at

On the Patreon bonus segment, Felix helps Mike and Kyle do their makeup! If you want to support our show while getting ad-free episodes a day early, go to

Gayish: 378 X-Men

In honor of X-Men ’97, Mike and Kyle talk about the superheroes (and villains) themselves. We cover their history, the Comic Code Authority, the Legacy Virus, Northstar, Mystique, and Goldballs, all to try to come to the conclusion of whether the X-Men are gay.

In this episode: News- 1:02 || Main Topic (X-Men)- 11:35 || Gayest & Straightest- 1:07:11

On the Patreon bonus segment, Mike and Kyle talk about more queer X-Men. If you want to support our show while getting ad-free episodes a day early, go to

Gayish: 377 FWB

Booty call. Fuck buddy. Situationship. There are lots of ways we describe the people we hook up with. Mike and Kyle talk about friends with benefits (FWBs), including what it means, where the term came from, gayta, and some famous FWBs from history.

In this episode: News- 1:57 || Main Topic (FWB)- 11:15 || Gayest & Straightest- 1:10:41

On the Patreon bonus segment, Mike shares the sociosexual orientation inventory test, used in actual psychological research. If you want to support our show while getting ad-free episodes a day early, go to

Gayish: 376 Mukbang

Mike and Kyle slurp up the delicious topic of mukbang.

In this episode: News- 1:35 || Main Topic (Mukbang)- 13:19 || Gayest & Straightest- 1:12:41

On the Patreon bonus segment, Mike talks about the online drama between three of the most popular mukbangers. If you want to support our show while getting ad-free episodes a day early, go to

Gayish: 375 Penis Problems (w/ Davey Wavey)

I got 99 problems and a penis is one. Davey Wavey joins us once again to talk about erectile disappointment, how porn stars stay hard, and more.

In this episode: News- 4:31 || Main Topic (Penis Problems)- 15:36 || Guest (Davey Wavey)- 18:14 || Gayest & Straightest- 1:06:46

Check out the next evolution of gay porn at (NSFW).

On the Patreon bonus segment, Kyle shares with Mike 10 other penis problems you should be on the lookout for. If you want to support our show while getting ad-free episodes a day early, go to

Gayish: 374 Internalized Homophobia

Let’s get heavy and talk about internalized homophobia. What are the types of internalized homophobia? Who has it? How does it affect us? Mike and Kyle get deep on the shame and self-hatred that comes along with being gay.

In this episode: News- 4:54 || Main Topic (Internalized Homophobia)- 16:18 || Gayest & Straightest- 1:18:21

On the Patreon bonus segment, Mike administers the homophobia quiz to Kyle. If you want to support our show while getting ad-free episodes a day early, go to

Gayish: 373 Board Games

Gaymes, gaymes, gaymes!

In this episode: News- 4:42 || Main Topic (Board Games)- 15:25 || Gayest & Straightest- 1:12:08

On the Patreon bonus segment, we jump into heated Reddit debate about gay board games. Plus, Mike and Kyle play some Homogenius. If you want to support our show while getting ad-free episodes a day early, go to

Gayish: 372 Super Bowl

It’s almost time for The Big Game! Are you ready for some football or nah?

In this episode: News- 6:37 || Main Topic (Super Bowl)- 19:08 || Gayest & Straightest- 1:03:12

On the Patreon bonus segment, Mike ranks the gayest Super Bowl halftime shows. If you want to support our show while getting ad-free episodes a day early, go to

Gayish: 371 Pubic Hair

Put on your merkins because it’s time to talk about pubic hair! Mike and Kyle get deep into the pubes while talking about lice, pubarche, literature, gayta, trimming, full bush, pheromones, and plenty more.

In this episode: News- 1:56 || Main Topic (Pubic Hair)- 13:18 || Gayest & Straightest- 1:03:43

On the Patreon bonus segment, Mike talks about a man whose life was particularly impacted by pubes. If you want to support our show while getting ad-free episodes a day early, go to

Gayish: 370 Bigfoot

We’re not talking about Smallhand this episode. We’re talking Bigfoot. In this episode, Mike and Kyle try to uncover whether Sasquatch is a little bit gay.

In this episode: News- 2:13 || Main Topic (Bigfoot)- 10:41 || Gayest & Straightest- 1:00:13

On the Patreon bonus segment, Mike reads a story about the Bigfoot Wookums and true(?) love. If you want to support our show while getting ad-free episodes a day early, go to