Mike explains why ghosts are more likely to be queer in this episode that is supposed to be about LGBTQ ghosts. However a word cloud of the transcript of the episode suggests it’s actually about ‘like’, ‘f— you’, and ‘dan’, in that order.
Gayish: 034 Weddings (w/ Carly Dykes and Matt Eaton)
We’re splitting up! We take the OutKast approach to this episode and let you dive head-first deep inside our gay minds to hear what we think as we attend our (straight) friends’ wedding. Special guests: Matt Eaton and Carly Dykes.
Gayish: 033 Butt Stuff
It’s time for butt stuff, y’all!
Don’t Be A Dick On National Coming Out Day
Where did National Coming Out Day come from, anyway? More insights and stories on the latest episode of Gayish, available on iTunes, Google Play, and more.
Gayish: 032 Coming Out
Kyle’s coming out didn’t go so well. Plus, things not to do when someone comes out to you. Celebrate National Coming Out Day (October 11) with us!
Gayish: 031 Straight Porn
Mike and Kyle get butch AF when they reveal whether or not they watch straight porn in yet another hard-hitting, potentially award-winning episode of Gayish.
Gayish: 030 Drag Queens (w/ Honey Bucket)
We must be tired female monarchs because, in this episode, Mike and Kyle are drag queens! Special guest: Honey Bucket.
Gayish: 029 Trans Murders [Shrinkage]
Why do trans people get murdered more than cis-gendered people?
Gayish: 028 My Favorite Gayish Murder
As a tribute to My Favorite Murder, Mike and Kyle get into some gay homo-cide. Mike recounts the Trick or Treat murder, and Kyle covers the serial killer known as The Wolf Man of London, aka Michael Lupo. Stay gayish, and dont get murdered!
Gayish: 027 Dream Daddy
What starts as a lighthearted review of a gay video game, Dream Daddy, turns into the realization that Mike and Kyle are manipulative, are partially sociopathic, and shouldn’t have friends or relationships. Watch us playing Dream Daddy by searching “gayish podcast” on YouTube, and play Dream Daddy for yourself at dreamdaddy.biz.