Gayish: 399 Gay-for-Pay

You mean I’ve been gay for free this whole time when I could have been getting paid? Mike and Kyle talk about the earliest known gay for pay from history, Urban Dictionary definitions, undercover cops, religious sex work, and straight-for-pay.

In this episode: News- 2:09 || Main Topic (Gay-for-Pay)- 12:20 || Gayest & Straightest- 57:09

On the Patreon bonus segment, Kyle talks about “gay” porn star Geordie Jackson and his girlfriend’s thoughts on being gay-for-pay. If you want to support our show while getting ad-free episodes a day early, go to

Gayish: 398 Glory Holes

An entire hole of glory?! Mike and Kyle fill their holes with discussions of glory hole court cases, urban legends, glory hole connoisseurs, glass blowing, and straight dudes who use glory holes.

In this episode: News- 1:24 || Main Topic (Glory Holes)- 14:28 || Gayest & Straightest- 1:09:17

On the Patreon bonus segment, we talk about a smattering of stuff we didn’t have time to cover in the main episode. If you want to support our show while getting ad-free episodes a day early, go to

Gayish: 397 Threesomes III

Herem we are again. In our final time covering threesomes, Mike and Kyle talk about symbiosexuality, Kinsey, the guy who invented Wonder Woman, bisexuality, Hanson, and more.

In this episode: News- 4:12 || Main Topic (Threesomes)- 18:40 || Gayest & Straightest- 1:07:21

On the Patreon bonus segment, we give you all the tips you need to know to have a good threesome. If you want to support our show while getting ad-free episodes a day early, go to

Gayish: 396 Olympics

From the Grecian Olympics to the modern, Mike and Kyle talk about the LGBTQ+ people that have participated in, and won, the Olympics, including the gay Olympics.

In this episode: News- 2:26 || Main Topic (Olympics)- 11:35 || Gayest & Straightest- 1:02:36

On the Patreon bonus segment, we talk about the one and only Caitlyn Jenner. If you want to support our show while getting ad-free episodes a day early, go to

Gayish: 395 Costco

But seriously, is Coscto gay or not?

In this episode: News- 1:46 || Main Topic (Costco)- 10:38 || Gayest & Straightest- 56:43

On the Patreon bonus segment, we talk about the gayest things you can find at Costco. If you want to support our show while getting ad-free episodes a day early, go to

Gayish: 394 Cats (w/ Ma Johnson)

Meow. Meow meow meow. Mew mew meow, meow meow meow. Meow meow.

In this episode: News- 2:59 || Main Topic (Cats)- 13:42 || Gayest & Straightest- 1:08:32

On the Patreon bonus segment, CATBOYS! If you want to support our show while getting ad-free episodes a day early, go to

Gayish: 393 Washington, D.C.

How gay is D.C.? Did George Washington love gays? What about the marches on Washington? We get into all things Washington, D.C.!

In this episode: News- 1:38 || Main Topic (Washington, D.C.)- 11:06 || Gayest & Straightest- 52:21

If you want to support our show while getting ad-free episodes a day early, go to

Gayish: 392 Gay Marriage

It’s like marriage, but it’s gay! Where did gay marriage come from? What are the easiest examples? How many people are in one? Are lesbians bad at it?

In this episode: News- 3:02 || Main Topic (Gay Marriage)- 14:26 || Gayest & Straightest- 1:08:22

On the Patreon bonus segment, Kyle shares the top reasons gay marriage shouldn’t be legal. If you want to support our show while getting ad-free episodes a day early, go to

Gayish: 391 Bi-curious

Why do we have the term bi-curious? Does it kill the bisexual cat? Mike and Kyle talk etymology, gayta, and bi erasure in this episode about bi-curiousity.

In this episode: News- 3:53 || Main Topic (Bi-curious)- 14:42 || Gayest & Straightest- 1:05:10

On the Patreon bonus segment, Mike and Kyle do an Ask Reddit segment to learn more about bisexual people’s view of the term bi-curious. If you want to support our show while getting ad-free episodes a day early, go to

Gayish: 390 U-Haul

It’s hard to date as a queer woman, so why do they move in so quickly? Shana and Kris from the Bad Queers podcast join us to talk about the lesbian stereotype of U-Hauling.

In this episode: News- 1:37 || Main Topic (U-Haul)- 12:32 || Guests (Bad Queers)- 18:35 || Gayest & Straightest- 54:24

On the Patreon bonus segment, Kyle and Derek talk about tips on moving in together. If you want to support our show while getting ad-free episodes a day early, go to